ACPRO has collaborated with the Government of Canada to make application for registration by internationally-educated psychologists more streamlined and consistent across participating Canadian jurisdictions. The ICD Applicant Portal serves as a single window of entry for participating Canadian jurisdictions.
If you were educated as a psychologist outside of Canada and the United States and want to apply to practice as a psychologist in a participating Canadian jurisdiction, begin that process by following the instructions provided on the following pages:
Non-participating Canadian jurisdictions
Alberta, Northwest Territories (NWT), British Columbia, and Quebec currently are not participating in the application process with the portal. If you intend to apply for registration in one of these jurisdictions, you must apply directly to the appropriate regulator:
- College of Alberta Psychologists (and NWT)
- College of Psychologists of British Columbia
- Ordre des psychologues du Québec
If you were educated in Canada or the United States, see Canada & US-Educated Applicants.